Monday, March 22, 2010

Border Fence - Quick Update

I didn't post on this topic in February, but I think from my January posting, we can see four things.

First is that a border fence, despite propaganda and disinformation to the contrary, is an effective deterrent. And this can be seen, even with the incomplete fence we now have. Second, the U.S. population is distracted, at this time, by high unemployment and the Obamacare fiasco. Third, we have a long way to go. The goal is not to increase the number of smugglers and other illegal crossers that we catch. Our goal is to make the border so impenetrable that the number of smugglers and other illegal crossers actually is reduced, due to the perception that it can't be done. Forth. we need a website that details the progress of the border security project. It should all but ignore things like busts, numbers of border agents, deployments of troops, and other "make work" distractions. We need a site that concentrates on when and where the security infrastructure is being beefed up.

Some notes on Border Patrol press releases.

Among the many articles are tons and tons of Marijuana, and millions and millions of dollars worth of other illegal drugs. Much easier to catch this stuff if it is funneled into narrow corridors at the legal border crossings (and funneled into ever smaller 'holes' in the fence) In addition, there are stories here of capture of sex offenders, and of smugglers getting creative. Even to the point of trying to use SCUBA to go through the sewer system.

What is missing from the month of Feb are the stories of illegals. Can't be certain why. Could be the weather, or that jobs were so scarce here that the illegals just stayed in Mexico. In March they were back in the news, with a story every couple of days.


Pilgrim said...

I lament the obvious justice, obvious necessity, and obvious efficacy of a fence...

Back up: a fence is just, necessary, and effective ONLY IF the U.S. remains a free, prosperous nation.

...I lament it, because it signals a further breakdown of a spirit of grace that has existed amongst the North American countries. The neighborly cross-border mingling (both social and economic) that exists in border towns and border states is a sweet air. Friends of mine grew up on the North Dakota/Manitoba border. Cross-border school teams competed, grocery stores and farm co-ops and restaurants welcomed cross-border customers, and most wonderfully, churches welcomed cross-border worshipers.

But this happy, generous, gracious air can only exist when neighbors are committed to each others' good. However, when one looks across the border and covets another's resources -- be it a social safety net, cheap labor, or even liberty -- and decides that he will TAKE IT, there becomes a need for a fence. A good, long, tall, badass razor wire fence.

We've chatted about the Boundary Waters before. What a tragedy, if someday there are buoys across Lac La Croix, signaling that paddlers can paddle no further.

TRex said...

There has never been much of a spirit of grace between Mexico and the U.S. nor between Mexicans and US Citizens.

There has been an on and off war between the countries since 1837 when Texas left Mexico and a full on insurgency since the mid 60's aimed at retaking the southern tier of the US and returning it to its Mexican (and Roman Catholic) ownership.

As with any well planned insurgency, a considerable amount of disinformation has been directed at the American public (and our schools), both about their aims, and their methods.

Pilgrim said...

Sorry to hear that. I'd imagined some nice rural bordertown that maybe doesn't exist. I'm aware of the war zone that is Laredo, but hoped for better away from the craziness of the city.

Interesting that you mention Catholicism. I'd assumed that La Raza and MEChA were by-and-large secularist groups: modern racist-progressives separated from the Roman Catholic faith of their parents.

TRex said...

It is often said that a war consists of long stretches of boredom punctuated with moments of terror. So, in fact, some of those nice rural towns do (or did, until drug trafficking really got out of hand) exist. But even then, you can never completely forget you are at war. My mother in law (who lived within 20 miles of the border) used to tell of being hidden when Panco Villa would come to town, cause he and his army would take some of the young women for themselves.

No latino organization can completely divorce itself from the Roman Catholic Church, though La Raza and MEChA may be mostly secular. The RCC pontificates, agitates and sometimes funds the border disputes and Central and South American insurgencies. (Or at least it did in the 90's, when I was working a job that required I keep up with that).

By operating behind the scenes, from inside the protective walls of the "church" they have access to members of many socialist and insurgent bodies without being seen, and therefore without the drive by media criticism.

Anonymous said...

"By operating behind the scenes, from inside the protective walls of the "church" they have access to members of many socialist and insurgent bodies without being seen, and therefore without the drive by media criticism."

Rex can link to more on that?

Lost you email again. Wanted to say Happey Easter to you and the family.

BTW How long is Rob gonna be happily married with kids and no blog?

Kidding ;) miss you guys.

take care


TRex said...

Wow. Glad you asked that question, DW. The history of the Catholic Church in Central and S.American conflicts is not exactly what I thought it was, and you provided the push to get me to reexamine it, something I had not done since my days supporting some of the fighting there, myself. Of course I should have known the intel reports I read in those days would be slanted.

Of course, much of it was true, but not all. Well, to answer your question, here are a couple of links.

Role of the Bishops

Political power or spiritual leadership